Utilizing Drainage and Utility resources for Plan Production - DU2301

From DelDOT CADD Wiki


This Wiki provides guidance on the use of DelDOT resources for the Drainage and Utilities (DU) workflow within OpenRoads Designer (ORD). At this time, these resources are exclusively for plan production purposes. Please note, at this time, DelDOT's DU resources have not been verified from a Hydrology and Hydraulic perspective, and should only be used for plan production purposes.

This Wiki further assumes the user has a working knowledge of the DU workflow. Bentley has multiple trainings, workshops, coffee corners and answer hours on Drainage and Utilities. If you are new to DU or need a refresher, we would suggest starting with the 09 - Drainage Modeling Learning Path available on Bentley's LEARN server. To find this, go to Bentley's LEARN server, set Brand to OpenRoads, Product to OpenRoads Designer, search for Drainage and navigate down to the appropriate learning path.

1. Recommendations, Notes and Tips

  • It is strongly recommended that the user creates a new design file (DR) using the appropriate 2D seed for all drainage work.
  • For large projects, it is recommended to split into multiple design files (DR) per network.
  • Be advised, once a DU database is attached to a DGN, it cannot be removed.
  • It is recommended to have the Departments Standard Construction Details open for reference, specifically the following:
  • There are a variety of other Feature Definitions related to the DU workflow available throughout the DelDOT resources. The user is strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with all the available resources.

If you have any issues or determine additional resources are needed, please contact DOT_CADDSupport@Delaware.gov.

2. Organization of the Departments resources

2.1 Inlets.

DelDOT's feature definitions for Inlets are organized under Node > StormWaterNode > Inlets. Separate folders have been created for each of DelDOT's Drainage Inlet Top Units (Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D, Type E, Type S and Lawn). Subfolders under each Drainage Inlet Top Unit have been created for each Inlet Box that can be used in combination with the Drainage Inlet Unit. Where applicable, subfolders are included under each Inlet Box folder to differentiate between curb or curb and gutter installations.

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Once the user has navigated to the appropriate folder, the resources are listed based on the following naming convention: [SIZE]_[TYPE]_[CURB]_[FLOW]

[SIZE]: This is the size of the Inlet Box based on Length x Width.
[TYPE]: This is the type of the Drainage Inlet Top Unit.
[CURB]: This is Curb (C) or Curb and Gutter (CG), the Type and the Height of the curb. Note, this section will be omitted for inlets that do not have curb.
[FLOW]: This the Grate Type and the direction flow enters the grate (ie. L means flow enters from the left side of grate). Note, if a grate does not have a specified flow direction, this will be omitted.

2.2 Conduit.

DelDOT's Feature Definitions for Drainage Conduits are located under Conduit > StormWater > Pipes and then the type of pipe (ie Circular).

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The Drainage Conduit resources are listed based on the following naming convention: [Operational State] ([Material]).

[Operational State]: This differentiates between Proposed (Storm Water) and Existing (Exist Storm Water)
[Material]: This is the material of the Drainage Conduit.

2.3 Flared End Sections (FES).

DelDOT's Feature Definitions for Flared End Sections are located under Node > StormWaterNode > Headwalls.

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Please take note of the insertion point of the Flared End Section as this is where the Conduit will be connected.

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Important Note: Due to a current issue within OpenRoads Designer, certain sizes of pipe are not being clipped by the Flared End Section (as shown below). Once this issue has been resolved by Bentley, this Wiki will be updated.

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The following workaround is recommended until Bentley addresses this issue. The user should connect the Conduit to the Flared End Section insertion point and set the Flared End Section property Match Slope of Conduit to True. Then, move the end point of the Conduit to the collar of the Flared End Section.

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2.4 Generic Open Pipe.

When required to place a pipe with no inlet or outlet structure connecting point, the user can accomplish this by utilizing the Generic Open Pipe node that is available under Node > StormWaterNode > Headwalls.
Note, the user will need to place this Node first, and then attach the Conduit to this Node.

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